Commonly asked questions about Meme Pools.
Last updated
Commonly asked questions about Meme Pools.
Last updated
No presale
No team allocation
Maximum 1 billion supply coins
Contract ownership renounced and immutable
Buy and sell at any time
Coins on Meme Pools are instantly tradable, with a 1 billion supply (80% for purchase, 20% for LP). Trading locks once a coin's market cap hits $42,000, awaiting LP launch.
Meme Pools lets creators control their coin’s LP launch timing. Once a coin hits a $42K market cap, creators can set the LP launch date and time, allowing time to prepare DEX socials and announcements.
No more coin dumping while dev was asleep
Creators receive their reward when they launch the coin from their profile page.
There are three reward tiers for launching a coin:
Bronze: $500
Silver: $1,000 (1+ frog)
Gold: $1,500 (5+ frogs)
Meme Pools, created by Frogs, offers silver and gold rewards exclusively for frog owners.
Meme Pools charges a 1% fee on buy and sell orders, which is charged as a taker fee in ETH.
The difference between a trade's expected and actual price during high volatility. The default is set at 15%; you can change it anytime. You’re always prompted to sign the transactions, and the correct amounts are simulated in your wallet.
1 billion total supply multiplied by the coin price.
No, Meme Pools does not have a token. Any tokens impersonating Meme Pools is a scam.